I love that story!Ā I was laughing out loud ;-)Ā I still like the look of that tight wrap though....but I understand that it is not a good way to carry a rope if that rope may be needed toot suite!
Patrick Tipton
Branchville, NJ, United States
Replied on Shock Therapy, ShopTimeā¢ Episode 290
Replied on A Devil in the Detail, ShopTimeā¢ 289
Replied on The Story Of Murph, Pt 1
Replied on Shock Therapy, ShopTimeā¢ Episode 290
Replied on Shock Therapy, ShopTimeā¢ Episode 290
Replied on Enjoying the Moment, ShopTimeā¢ 288
Replied on Horseshoes Handgrenades & Dancing, ShopTimeā¢ 293
Dec 16 at 05:40 PM
Robert Lukes Yes sir....I may have burned my leg on my other jeep when I didn't get the muffler quite tucked under correctly.Ā Ā We made a little progress today...still not quite there, but sooo close.
Best wished during this holiday season to you and your family!