Patrick Tipton

Branchville, NJ, United States

Appreciate your support Carmen. 

I think you are right about patience but I am not exactly sure where it comes from or why we get frustrated with things?  Maybe it is a matter of expectations? 

When you attempt to fix something and expect that it is going to take multiple attempts and confuse you along the way, maybe that makes it easier to accept the inevitable failures? 

I don't tend to get frustrated at this point because I can usually figure stuff out (or I have enough resources to get good help)....but I see folks getting mad at an inanimate object.  When you look at it that way, it is pretty funny - yelling at a jeep fender makes exactly zero sense and is kinda crazy behavior!😂

....every once in a while, I catch myself on camera swearing or talking at that fender and I too have to shake my head!😜

Thanks again for your feedback.  Let's see pictures of that Weasel!


Great music too!  I knew I liked you Dana.  Appreciate the feedback.


We have used Great Stuff and my local tool store carries Permatex in an aerosol can.  We have been using the Permatex mostly because of driving availability.  I am not really particular - I think they are both fine. 

Mostly I think we all have a tendency to overuse the I have to remind myself and anyone else in the shop to just use enough to fill in any tiny imperfections. Otherwise I know of several horror stories including a recent Weasel engine rebuild (not mine) that had ZERO oil pressure at startup because the oil pickup tube was installed with so much sealer that it blocked the pickup!


Thanks for commenting my friend!Not sure I knew that you spent time in the great State of Texas! Central Texas is the heart of REK country.  He released his first album when I was at UT - played around Austin quite a bit.  He was a hard partying dude and threw a hell of a party at every show.  My roommate was a huge REK fan so introduced me - great stuff and his songwriting has just continued to improve.


Apr 15 at 09:49 AM

Carmen - if you have successfully tuned a Weasel engine installed - you deserve a medal!  Every time I remove a Weasel engine, I find all kinds of engine parts - rotors, screws from the distributor and on and on....I tried to change the starter with the engine installed in the vehicle.....yes it is possible, but a horrible idea! 😂  A Weasel is like owning a Porsche - pull the engine to do anything....!


Apr 13 at 08:15 AM

Focus! Boom!  New coil! Boom!  You are a good man - thank you!


Apr 13 at 08:14 AM

Thank you Pierre - great tip.  I will try it - all this scrapping and stuff is a lot like hard work!


Apr 11 at 08:26 PM

Thank you vacuum advance on the Weasel, just the mechanical.  Cheers!


Apr 06 at 06:11 AM

You are a good man - makes good sense...except my OCD... 😂


Apr 05 at 05:32 PM

Don - I have a few NOS babbit connecting rods.  There are no potholes on the surface - they are perfectly smooth.  That being said, I would definitely plastigauge a couple of them and see how much wear you have.  If they are still within tolerance, you probably will be fine with them...even with imperfections.
