Patrick Tipton

Branchville, NJ, United States

Feb 17 at 07:58 AM

Are you implying that WW2 G503/related fuel gauges actually function? 😂. Murph's actually works...Grey Man....every once in a while it will swing wildly to remind me that it doesn't work 99.9% of the time.  Probably a ground issue too....

Feb 17 at 07:56 AM

Appreciate the kind words Jay!  Drop those drums off - an excuse to build the extension and find an old brake lathe!  Made in America baby!

Feb 17 at 07:55 AM

LOL!  Thanks for tolerating me Mark!  Appreciate all of your support😀

Feb 10 at 12:20 PM

Appreciate your support on all levels Scott!

Feb 10 at 12:20 PM

I will happen eventually....!


Feb 09 at 06:54 AM

Murph Gets His NJ Citizenship!  WooHoo!


Feb 09 at 06:52 AM

I promise you are going to receive a Weasel top care package this month!  We will talk my friend.

Feb 09 at 06:52 AM

Thanks Robert.  I don't have that much experience getting Weasels to steer correctly.  I think the detergent may hurt your cause, but I think worn out bands and poor condition drums are a more likely culprit.  Did you replace the bands/have the final drive open?

I have driven Weasels that steer with fingertip pressure, so I know that is how they are supposed to work.  I should have my rivets today - will be replacing the pads on both sets of bands.  We are going to be doing some engine maintenance work soon on the the M29...will pull the final drive then and work on it.

Feb 08 at 09:35 AM

😂 Cast iron lives matter Howard!  Weasel content coming up!

Feb 08 at 09:34 AM

Thank you Jay - appreciate the kind words and the inspirational quotes...always learning my friend.Looking forward to Oshkosh.....good friends and all my favorite noise making activities in one venue!😍